RC Big Rock


SKU: N/A Category:


RC Big Rock can grow up to 8ft tall in the right conditions and regions.  This new upland switchgrass was developed from Cave-n-Rock, it was developed to establish easier and grow taller.  Switchgrass is very versatile as it can be planted for deer bedding or as a screening.  Plant heavier when utilizing for screening, up to 10lbs.  You do not have to till prior to planting but you do need to take care of weeds prior to establishing.  If you are going to work the area before planting, make sure to roll prior to planting.  You can also frost seed switchgrass.


  • Plant up to ½” inch deep
  • Spring
  • Drill up to 8 lbs per acre
  • Broadcast up to 10 lbs per acre
  • pH: 5.8-7.0


Soil Type Preference: Heavy or light, well or moderate drained

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 lb, 5 lb, 50 lb


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