Double Trouble is a one-two punch of turnip and rape that fits a wide range of soils, growing environments and season long forage availability. Early in the fall deer graze on the leafy turnip tops and palatable rape leaves. Then they move on to destroy the nutritious turnip bulbs as fall progress into winter and the annual gun season opens.
- Cold tolerant
- Widely adapted and easy to grow
- Nutritious combination of energy and protein
- Scavenges available soil nutrients
Mixture Components:
- Forage Turnip
- Browser Rape (Rapeseed)
- pH: 6.0-7.0
- Plant up to 1/2″ inch deep
- August 1st into early fall
- Drill 4-6 lbs per acre
- Broadcast 6-8 lbs per acre
- Soil nutrient scavenger
Planting Season: August 1st into early fall
Soil Type Preference: Heavy or light, well or poorly drained
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